Chart of the Great Ultimate (Taiji tu)


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  • Chart of the Great Ultimate
  • Chart of the Great Ultimate
  • Chart of the Great Ultimate
  • Chart of the Great Ultimate


Picture 1. The best-known version of the Taiji tu.

Picture 2. (b) "Chart of the Ultimateless" ("Wuji tu"). Source: Wenchang dadong xianjing zhu 文昌大洞仙經注 (Commentary to the Immortal Scripture of the Great Cavern by Wenchang).

Picture 3. "Chart of the Division of the Great Ultimate" ("Taiji fenpan tu"). Source: Jindan dayao tu 金丹大要圖 (Great Essentials of the Golden Elixir: Charts).

Picture 4. "Chart of the Transformations of Yin and Yang" ("Yinyang bianhua tu"). Source: Daofa xinzhuan 道法心傳 (Heart-to-Heart Transmission of Taoist Rites).