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shengtai 聖胎

embryo of sainthood; saintly embryo; sacred embryo


① The Elixir.

When the three families see one another, the Infant coalesces. 三家相見結嬰兒。 Comm. Liu Yiming: When the four images join one another, and when the five agents gather together, then Nature, Emotions, Essence, Breath, and Spirit coagulate and coalesce one with the other. This is way it says, “When the three families see one another, the Infant coalesces”. . . . It is called the Infant, the One Breath prior to Heaven, the Embryo of Sainthood, the Golden Elixir. 和合四象,攢簇五行,則性、情、精、氣、神凝結。. . . 是云三家相見。. . . 名曰嬰兒,又曰先天一氣,又曰聖胎,又曰金丹。 (Awakening to Reality, "Regulated Verses", poem 14)

What is the Embryo of Sainthood? What has no substance generates substance and coalesces into the Embryo of Sainthood. It is carefully protected for ten months, as does a woman who is pregnant for the first time, or a little dragon that learns how to nourish its pearl. 問聖胎。答曰,無質生質,結成聖胎,辛勤保護十月,如幼女之初懷孕,似小龍之乍養珠。 (Xiao Tingzhi, Questions and Answers on the Golden Elixir, trans. in Taoist Internal Alchemy: An Anthology of Neidan Texts, p. 149)

In the blink of an eye, Qian ☰ and Kun ☷ become one, and Spirit and Breath conjoin. They coalesce and form the Reverted Elixir, which is the Embryo of Sainthood. 片餉之間,乾坤合一,神炁交會,結成還丹,以為聖胎。 (Wang Jie, comm. to Mirror for Compounding the Medicine, poem 13)

② An image of the Center.

The Embryo of Sainthood is the Central Palace. 〔中宮:〕聖胎。 (Weng Baoguang, "Model Images of the Golden Elixir", trans. in Taoist Internal Alchemy: An Anthology of Neidan Texts, p. 134)